Your Free Traffic Exchange Traffic Success System

Your Free Traffic Exchange Traffic Success System!


How YOU can MAKE MONEY with FREE Traffic Exchanges

A lot of people think free traffic exchanges don’t work any more, but you can! Some of the most successful people on the internet are still quietly using them, and you can, too. The secret to their success is their system. This system will work for you, too, if you carefully and consistently follow the instructions below.

The key to you succeeding and making money with free traffic exchanges (TEs) is in having the right tools. Set these up and you will have all the traffic you can handle. Do this properly and you will easily make money! You need these tools:

  1. Downline Builders
  2. Rotators
  3. Co-ops
  4. Bookmark Folders
  5. Specialty Tools

Downline Builders

Downline builders for traffic exchanges are special websites that let you track and advertise multiple traffic exchanges that you belong to all at once with one URL, rather than trying to advertise every traffic exchange you belong to individually. When you join a downline builder, you will find simple instructions on the site telling you how to add your referral links to the system. It is a simple matter of filling in the blanks with your affilate id. Whenever you come to a site you do not belong to, you simply join that site first, then put your new ID into the space provided. Then, rather than advertising all your traffic exchange referral links, you advertise your special link from the downline builder, which saves you a ton of time, and will build your downlines in all the traffic exchanges must faster.

We will explain how you promote your links on all these traffic exchanges in a few moments. For now, here are the downline builders you should be using.These are the best ones out there, and they work very well. If you want to try others later, that’s great, but remember, you need to have a plan and you need to stick to it. This is a system that works. Don’t try to reinvent the wheel. Once you have this system working successfully, if you want to try tweaking it, that’s often a good idea. For now, let’s follow the simple steps and get you going!

Click to Join:

  1. TE Commandpost
  2. TrafficHoopla
  3. TEHoopla

These three sites have both free and paid services. It is well worth the small monthly fee to get the paid membership for the huge amount extra you get. You can earn some nice commissions with these sites, too, which will easily cover your fees. Whether you have a paid or free membership, these three are absolutely necessary for your free traffic exchange success.

Many of the traffic exchanges also have downline builders built in to them. These can be useful, but don’t spend any time on them until you get this system set up. You can easily overload yourself if you try to do too much at once. Stick to the plan and plan to stick at it and succeed!


Rotators are special tools that let you advertise more than one website or webpage using only one URL. They also make it easy for you to change your websites on ALL your traffic exchanges at once, rather than having to sign into every one and change them manually. These are an indispensable tool for traffic exchanges.

Once you join the rotator, put the referral URLs for your downline builders from TE Commandpost, TrafficHoopla and TEHoopla into your new Pageswirl rotator. Next, put the link for this rotator into your new EasyHits4U rotator. Then you will put your EasyHits4U rotator (below) URL into all of your traffic exchanges.

Click to Join:

  1. Viral Hoopla
  2. PageSwirl Rotator
  3. Commando Surf
  4. EasyHits4U

Viral Hoopla is a rotator with a twist.  By using it and following the proven instructions right on the Viral Hoopla website, your traffic stats will grow virally.  It is a truly superb too, brought to you by the same fine folks who deliver all the wonderful Hoopla products.  Very highly recommended.

PageSwirl has been around for a very long time in Internet years, and has a great and proven track record. Many traffic exchanges now also offer some kind of rotator, but nowhere else will you get the kind of heavy lifting you get with PageSwirl. The free version will rotate up to five URLs, while the paid version will rotate unlimited URLs. They offer a huge amount of tools that you can gradually add to your arsenal over time, and very good affiliate commissions, as well. PageSwirl also has a very good downline builder, which we do recommend you use, as soon as you have everything else set up.

Commando Surf also has a rotator, but you also get a full toolbox that can really help increase your time efficiency in building your downlines and credits in the traffic exchanges. You can add your PageSwirl rotator link inside Commando Surf and build credits for both at the same time. Use this special links in all your traffic exchanges you belong to. Any time you want to promote another site or take out a site, you simply change it in your rotator on PageSwirl or your Commando Surf link. It will automatically change everywhere (just like magic!)

EasyHits4U is a traffic exchange with a difference.  They offer a very good free rotator for up to ten sites, and for a very small monthly fee, you can get up to 100 rotators.  This is a fantastic free service, and major bang for your buck if you choose the upgrade.

Co-ops (Optional)

It’s not critical to this plan to take part in traffic co-ops, but it is a good idea if you have a small advertising budget. Co-ops pool the buying power of a large group of people, so that your advertising dollars will go a lot further than if you simply went it alone. By participating in a good co-op, you can speed up this plan a lot!

We have tested the PageSwirl co-op and recommend it.

Click to Join:

  1. Advertising Co-op

It doesn’t take long for a good advertising co-op to pay for itself.


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